
Titanic (1997) (本區共瀏覽次)


現在這裡我已經擁有我所需要的一切了。我肺中有所需的空氣,幾張空白的紙… 我想說的意思我很愛每天起床後不知道下一步是什麼或會認識誰或會在那裏…。

我認為生命是上天給的禮物,而我沒有打算浪費,你不知道下副會是怎樣的牌,學會接受上天的安排… 充實的過每一天。

▲ 鐵達尼號 (1997)

I got everything I need right here with me. I got air in my lungs, a few blank sheets of paper… I mean, I love waking up in the morning not knowing what’s gonna happen or, who I’m gonna meet, where I’m gonna wind up....

I figure life’s a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it. You don’t know what hand you’re gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you… to make each day count.

▲ Titanic (1997)


言者: 性別: 年齡: 星座: 地區: 心情:


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